Rosie Awarded her silver Young leaders in service .
GMS Lions awards Rosie with her silver young Leaders in Service award.
Rosie Volunteer for a total of 50 hours in one year with groups and organisations .
Such as:
Local riding school
Tennis coaching
Sports ambassador ( At her school)
Rosie said it is so rewarding being a volunteer I Would recommended anyone to give it ago.
Rosie is very busy also working towards her gold Duke Of Edinburgh Award.
GMS Lions are pleased to participate in the Lions Young Leaders in Service Award (LYLSA) scheme. The LYLSA scheme is part of the Lions Opportunities for Youth initiative. The LYLSA recognise young people between the ages of 11-18 years old for their community service within a 12-month period; a log sheet is completed and signed off by a responsible adult. This can be a teacher, youth leader or someone similar. Lions Clubs may recognise as many young people as they find eligible. The youngster is then presented with a beautiful certificate and this can be included in his or her Record of Achievement File.
Each young person will be provided with a logbook in which to record their service activities. These activities are in a number of different categories – all the hours can be from the same activity or from a variety of services. Categories include service to the young, the elderly, family members and the homeless and hungry. It could also include protecting our environment. Young people may also wish to assist their local Leos or Lions club in fundraising or welfare activities. All these activities count as hours towards the award.
The Young Leaders in Service are sponsored by local Lions clubs. The awards available are as follows:
50 hours of service = Silver Seal Award
100 hours of service = Gold Seal Award
25 hours of service = Bronze Seal Award (this is a local award developed by MD105 to allow for Young Leaders with limited abilities).
If you would like to know more about young Leaders in service please leave a message on our Facebook or website page .